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Curriculum Vitae

Achievements and Experience

Software Engineering Technical Coach - Flatiron School

As a technical coach I provide a multitude of services for students at Flatiron School.  I provide students with quick debugging of issues in their applications, so that they can continue their work.  I provide computer environment assistance for students who run into problems running commands in the terminal, installing libraries or packages, or have trouble linking applications together.  I also provide clarification and teaching of coding concepts to students if they are not sure what resources are explaining or if they are unsure how to think about the code to get it to work.  I have helped with over 3000 separate issues in 2022 and maintained a 98% satisfaction rating.

Flatiron Software Engineering Student

During this compacted time period I learned Javascript, React, Ruby, Rails, and WebSockets.  I put my learning to practical use by completing projects utilizing my learning and styling with different CSS packages.  I developed full stack applications and learned something new from each project.

1st - 2nd Grade Teacher

I created a classroom environment that was inviting for students and established meaningful relationships with them.  I planned units with lessons that built on the knowledge learned from previous lessons.  I used data attained from lessons and unit tests to best accommodate the learning needs of each student.  I implemented the use of tablets in the classroom as extensions to our own learningI communicated to fellow staff members and parents about student needs and current learning in the classroom.

Kindergarten Teacher

I worked in conjunction with three other Kindergarten teachers to split the unit planning between us and to create the interactive white board slides.  I used student data to create groups for focused learning.

Professional History: CV
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